If you have any questions, please contact Weller Maret, Panhellenic VP of Standards


Below you can find frequently asked questions pertaining to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Panhellenic Association's Rules and Regulations including the Standing Rules and Bylaws previewed on this page. You can also find Frequently Asked Questions below for all of your risk managment needs. You may also search any of the information on the page with the search bar below.




1. What do you mean "Standards" for Panhellenic?

UNC Panhellenic is committed to ensuring a safe, fair environment for sorority life. The Panhellenic Standards team is led by the Panhellenic VP Standards and judicial board members from each chapter known as a whole as the Panhellenic Judicial Board (PJB). Primary tasks for the standards team include approving all sorority social events, creating and regulating recruitment rules, and monitoring Greek Groove rules. The PJB will also adjudicate alleged violations of all Panhellenic Bylaws and Standing Rules policies and procedures and NPC Unanimous Agreements. Please see Appendix E  of the Panhellenic Standing Rules for more information on the judicial process.

2. What can my chapter get in trouble for?

Any alleged violations of the Panhellenic Bylaws and Standing Rules policies procedures and NPC Unanimous Agreements may be adjudicated by the Panhellenic Judicial Board. Both policies may be accessed below. These rules include all Panhellenic recruitment rules, continuous open bidding rules, Greek Groove rules, and social event policies.

3. Who can report violations?

Violations, excluding recruitment violations, must be reported and signed by the President of a Panhellenic member sorority on behalf of her chapter. No anonymous reports will be accepted except in regards to anonymous tips from the Hazing Hotline. These infractions should be reported on a College Panhellenic Violation Report Form within 30 days of the alleged incident and may be signed by either the chapter president, a chapter executive officer, a college Panhellenic advisor or a Panhellenic advisor. Chapters are encouraged to bring proof of violations. Please see Appendix E of the Panhellenic Standing Rules for more information.

4. What happens if my chapter is reported?

Based on the outcome of an informal discussion, if a Violation Report Form is properly received by the Panhellenic Council, the accused chapter shall receive a Notice of Infraction Form. Upon receipt of this form, the accused chapter shall contact the Panhellenic Council President within one week to schedule mediation or choose to proceed directly to a judicial board hearing.

5. How can I get involved with Panhellenic standards?

The Panhellenic Standards Board is chaired by the Panhellenic VP Standards, Weller, and one Panhellenic Judicial Board representative from each chapter. Applications for the judicial board will be sent to chapter presidents in late February. Please email with any standards related rules suggestions or questions.



1. How do I get a social event approved for my chapter?

Each chapter must submit and obtain approval the following two forms for each social event: the Social Event Approval Form, and the Theme Approval Form. The social event approval form and theme approval form must be emailed to 7 days before the event.

2. What are the fees for late forms?

There is a $10 late fee for each day each of these forms are late. If fined, you will be notified by the VP Standards and should have your chapter's VP Finance write a check for the specified amount to UNC Panhellenic. Someone from the chapter needs to bring the check to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life in the Union and put it in the Panhellenic box on the front desk within one week of the notification.

3. What guidelines does Panhellenic expect chapters to follow when hosting a social event?

For each social event, chapters are expected to adhere to the Panhellenic Suggested Risk Management Best Practices, the Fraternity and Sorority Alcohol Policy, and the University Alcohol Policy.



Questions? Email Graylin Oliveri, Panhellenic VP of Special Events.


Questions? Email Kaley Pignone, Panhellenic VP of Recruitment.

STANDING RULES OF UNC-Chapel Hill Panhellenic Association

Questions? Email Weller Merat, Panhellenic VP of Standards.

BYLAWS OF UNC-Chapel Hill Panhellenic Association